Thursday, January 20, 2011

i am poem

i am tennis player
i wonder how a airplane holds people in the air
i hear people talking in my head even when no one is talking
i see me playing tennis on the beach
i want to be a world champ skiier
i am a tennis player
i pretend i can drive
i feel happy at Disneyland
i touch a tennis raquet
i worry about earthquakes
i cry when i loose a tennis match
i am a tennis player
i understand my religion
i say 40 love match!
i dream about going to Julliard
i try to get straight A's
i hope for world peace
i am a tennis player

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Break!

For Christmas Break, I started off the week going to the mall with two of my best friends, McCall and Tieler. My mom dropped us off and it was mall mayhem! It was so crowded and there were so many freaking people! Well I guess the parking lot looked a lot more crowded than what it really was on the inside!
The first thing we did was go  eat at the food court, then we went to Nordstrom. None of us had enough money though for Nordstrom, which sucked, so we left and went to Forever 21. (a store we could afford!)
I bought a shirt and nail polish, McCall bought a dress, and Tieler bought a sweatshirt. It was good times.
After we done, Tieler's mom came and picked us up and dropped me off at home. My family was going to see A Christmas Carol. That was great, whatever, and then we came home and just partied until my sister and her husband left.
The next day my mom wanted me to run errands with her. So we went to Target, and while I was there Shelby and McCall came running around the corner in their sexy snowsuits! :) And then we talked and then I went home with my mom because I had to go somewhere when I got home.
Well I will skip a few days and go to Christmas, because my Christmas Eve was not that fun because I got a migrane and was sick all day. So on Christmas, my parents woke us up at 7:45. Yup we are all old and our parents have to wake us up on Christmas morning... so anyways we opened up our presents from SC. Then our neighbors came over for breakfast, and then they left, and then we opened presents from our parents. Then we went to the movie that night and then went home and went to bed.
it was awesome.


 I think the reason people lack empathy in this book is because they expect perfection and expect them to be living this perfect life with no problems. So when someone is having a hard time, I'm sure that it would be hard to explain that when everyone thinks you are fine.

When they have their nightly discussions as a family, they confess to eachother about different things, and still they showed no empathy. (like the parents) When Jonas told about his dream, his parents just told him to take pills, and told him what to do next. (Basically :))

I think when Jonas starts to feel empathy for others is definatley when he sees the baby released, and knows Gabe was going to be released. Jonas shows empathy for Gabe when he takes him awsay and does all he can to keep both of them alive, but mainly Gabe. It was a struggle for Jonas to go up the hill but he kept going beacause it was the best for him and Jonas. I think that is when Jonas feels what it feels like to actually branch out and feel empathy for others.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


 For Thanksgiving this year I went to Mesa, Arizona. My mom's entire family and my dad's entire family lives in Arizona.
This year was with the Nielson side (my dad's side) but we did a lot of stuff with the Arnetts (my mom's side)
The first day we got there we met the Nielson's at one of our favorite resturaunts. We always eat there to kick off the Thanksgiving "feast!"
That night I slept over at my cousin's house and we went to Sonic at 1:00 am! it was so fun! and then we came home and talked forever, then watched She's the Man. I love that movie! The next morning I had to go run a race called the turkey trot. I was so tired because I didn't go to bed until 4:30 and then had to run the race at 7:30.
After the race I went to a Bagel place with my mom and got breakfast, because all the boys were playing in a turkey bowl, and my sister was at my grandma's house.
As soon as we got home I got ready and then helped make the food and then we had our Thanksgiving partay!
We ate and talked and ate and talked until like 5:00 at night!
After dinner, we went over to my aunt amy's house (whos on the arnett side) and partied! My mom and I slept over at their house because we were going to go Black Friday Shopping. But when my mom woke me up at 3:00 am I said uhuh! i was wasted! (like tired!)
The next day we left home and it took us 15 hours because we got stuck in the snowstorm! But in all it was a GRRRREAT thanksgiving!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


About two years ago, I was skiing with my friends, McCall and Shelby. We were skiing at Sundance by ourselves.
On our way up, Shelby told McCall and I that she skiied at Alta all the time and that she was pretty good. McCall and I were pumped because we are both good too so we thought we were in for a treat!
Our first hill we went down was just the bottom one to, you know, get warmed up.
The morning went great and we were hungry for lunch by about 11:30. After eating and taking a little chill, we were ready to go to the top of the mountain.
I could see the look on Shelby's face as we went up on the ski lift and as we were approaching the place where we would get off.
The first hill is pretty steep and can be scary if you don't handle it right. McCall and I cruised down and thought Shelby was right behind us, but we stopped and looked up at the top of the hill and there she was just staring down nervousley.
She just sat down on her butt and slid down the hill and actually crashed and her ski flew down the mountain, onto a different hill that none of us had been down. Shelby came running down the hill after her ski crying and yelling at us to grab it! McCall and I didn't react fast enough to grab it so it flew down the hill. I offered to grab it and then hike back up the hill.
Going down was fine, but going up it was another story. Shelby was bawling and I was crying because I was scared I was going to fall down the steep hill and not be able to find my way back, and McCall was crying just because!
I finally made it up after about 30 minutes of sweat and tears! Shelby buckled it back on and got the surprise of her life! A bigger and scarier hill was waiting up ahead of us. She said she was fine and so McCall and I zoomed down.
We made it down and realized Shelby was not behind us. All of the sudden we see a ski fly down the mountain and Shelby and another guy rolling down the hill. But McCall and I didn't know that it was Shelby that got hit.
We waited forever at the bottom and decided to go back up the lift and ski back down, where we saw Shelby getting put on a stretcher to get skiied back down to the base of the mountian. She had been skiing down regular when a guy skiing backwards collided into her.
McCall and I started bawling and skiied back to the base, where Shelby was put into an ambulance with a neckbrace on and taken to the hospital!
This shocked us both! We waited until my parents came and picked us up and took us to see Shelby. She had a concussion, and had to have a cat scan!
It was the scariest thing, but luck